Monday, August 23, 2010
I have some girls on a big new adventure....
So Mikiah and Kiara are at their 1st day of Kindergarten! I could see the excited and nervousness written all over their faces as they loaded on the bus. They are ready and a little shy, which I think most kinders are....Nice part is a friend of mine called me after she dropped of her son and she said she saw my girls and seemed to be doing ok....I am sure this will be an exciting adjustment for the end of the week they will have it all down....Here are a couple of pics...

Friday, August 13, 2010
Summer.....where did it go.... it has been too long since my last post. I haven't posted anything in about insane! I really have no one to blame for this but myself and my lack of words to share....So now that summer is almost over and school is about to start I am forcing myself to be a better blogger....This post will probably feel more Christmas card like then my usual bloggy self....but I think an update on all is in order before I am move on to my usual.....some of what is written may be totally random and out of order....yep I am pretty random sometimes....and you are stuck with me....
Since January we have had many guests visit us down here in Texas...Grandma's, Nanna's, Grandpa's, Aunts, Great Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and the girls sweet cousin Kieren!!....We LOVE having guests in town and the Harper Hotel is always open for business....just wanted to thank all of our visitors we loved having you here! Maybe when I have a bit more time I will upload a slide show with all our famous guests!
So lets see.....The Twins finished and graduated from Preschool in May....they are anxiously awaiting the start of Kindergarten in about a week....I have never seen them so excited! They are thrilled to ride the bus (the bus stop is right outside our house, how could this mother say no!).....Both have grown up so much the past 8 months.....Kiara is as head strong as ever, sometimes I feel like I am looking in a mirror, did I really treat my mom like that on occasion....WOW! (Mom, I am sorry) But most of the time she is a sweet heart. She loves to learn and is always working in her Kumon books, she is showing signs as leader but also does a great job of encouraging her sisters to lead too!.....Her new favorite movie is Harry Potter....Some may thing I am crazy for letting my girls watch it.....but all 3 really enjoy it....wizards and magic, oh my!.......Mikiah is as sweet as ever....that is until she has sugar (Nanna learned the hard way by sugaring Strawberries) seriously makes her we limit it! :) She still loves to dance and art projects....she sure is creative and can sing just about anything.......We are still taking quarterly trips to Houston to see her Endocrinologist....She had an MRI in March and started growth hormone then too.....Her daily shots are going great and we are seeing great results with her growth.....She still loves a good princess movie...she is my true girly girl!......Still so hard to believe that Mikiah and Kiara will be 6 in October....really makes you take a step back....
Lila....(aka my little trouble maker)....nah, not really but she sure does know how to push the buttons of her older sisters! So crazy she is 3....considering she was 9 months when we moved down here.....She enjoyed her last year of freedom.....but is super excited to start preschool in the fall....not sure how she is going to feel being the only one home during the day with mom but I am guessing she will love it while missing her sisters at the same time.....She loves to sing and dance and has to be the center of attention! And boy is she a ham!! So funny! She does a good job of keeping us all laughing! As for her CP, she is doing great....running everywhere and barely showing any signs of limping....Still have occupation all therapy to do for some things and to strengthen muscles...but for the most part people will probably not notice anything.....
Shawn is still working at his same job and loving raising his 3 girls.....he is quite the BBQ master and makes a mean smoked brisket!! I am still working for WSU and have been training with a good friend to run a 1/2 marathon in November....I must say the training process has been fun, we have group runs on Saturdays and a workout schedule during the week to do....I think I am going to do the training program again next summer even if I decide not to run the 1/2 marathon again....who knew running could be fun! HA!
So that is all that has really been going on....a whole lotta nada! We have been enjoying our summer out back with the kidding pool and card games.....summer sure has gone by super fast! But are all excited for the adventures that lie ahead of the girls.....I promise to keep you all posted on our life in the land of Texas a bit more often.....
Since January we have had many guests visit us down here in Texas...Grandma's, Nanna's, Grandpa's, Aunts, Great Aunts, Uncles, Cousins and the girls sweet cousin Kieren!!....We LOVE having guests in town and the Harper Hotel is always open for business....just wanted to thank all of our visitors we loved having you here! Maybe when I have a bit more time I will upload a slide show with all our famous guests!
So lets see.....The Twins finished and graduated from Preschool in May....they are anxiously awaiting the start of Kindergarten in about a week....I have never seen them so excited! They are thrilled to ride the bus (the bus stop is right outside our house, how could this mother say no!).....Both have grown up so much the past 8 months.....Kiara is as head strong as ever, sometimes I feel like I am looking in a mirror, did I really treat my mom like that on occasion....WOW! (Mom, I am sorry) But most of the time she is a sweet heart. She loves to learn and is always working in her Kumon books, she is showing signs as leader but also does a great job of encouraging her sisters to lead too!.....Her new favorite movie is Harry Potter....Some may thing I am crazy for letting my girls watch it.....but all 3 really enjoy it....wizards and magic, oh my!.......Mikiah is as sweet as ever....that is until she has sugar (Nanna learned the hard way by sugaring Strawberries) seriously makes her we limit it! :) She still loves to dance and art projects....she sure is creative and can sing just about anything.......We are still taking quarterly trips to Houston to see her Endocrinologist....She had an MRI in March and started growth hormone then too.....Her daily shots are going great and we are seeing great results with her growth.....She still loves a good princess movie...she is my true girly girl!......Still so hard to believe that Mikiah and Kiara will be 6 in October....really makes you take a step back....
Lila....(aka my little trouble maker)....nah, not really but she sure does know how to push the buttons of her older sisters! So crazy she is 3....considering she was 9 months when we moved down here.....She enjoyed her last year of freedom.....but is super excited to start preschool in the fall....not sure how she is going to feel being the only one home during the day with mom but I am guessing she will love it while missing her sisters at the same time.....She loves to sing and dance and has to be the center of attention! And boy is she a ham!! So funny! She does a good job of keeping us all laughing! As for her CP, she is doing great....running everywhere and barely showing any signs of limping....Still have occupation all therapy to do for some things and to strengthen muscles...but for the most part people will probably not notice anything.....
Shawn is still working at his same job and loving raising his 3 girls.....he is quite the BBQ master and makes a mean smoked brisket!! I am still working for WSU and have been training with a good friend to run a 1/2 marathon in November....I must say the training process has been fun, we have group runs on Saturdays and a workout schedule during the week to do....I think I am going to do the training program again next summer even if I decide not to run the 1/2 marathon again....who knew running could be fun! HA!
So that is all that has really been going on....a whole lotta nada! We have been enjoying our summer out back with the kidding pool and card games.....summer sure has gone by super fast! But are all excited for the adventures that lie ahead of the girls.....I promise to keep you all posted on our life in the land of Texas a bit more often.....
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