Thursday, September 11, 2008

Let the waterworks and screaming begin.....

Oh Man....So today was our first MOPS meeting.....I had a great time and love my discussion group and look forward to getting to know the moms in it.....The twins were great when I dropped them off at their classroom, I think I barely got a good bye look.....They are getting so independent.....I love it! Lila on the other hand was not so 'good'......She started screaming from the moment I dropped her off (you have to remember she is my HEADstrong one and most vocal)....I walked away and left her.....about 10 min later I was called back to the room, Lila decided to scream on the floor and not let anyone pick her up....Can I just tell you she was screaming loud enough to disrupt most of the classrooms......So I grabbed her and cuddled for a min, she calmed down and then handed her over to the Classroom Leader and then all 3 of us walked outside for a few min and then I just walked away, with Lila crying and me tearing up, and went inside...I am still not sure why I was tearing up, suppose it was just all the emotion built up......I figured I would get paged at least once, but NOPE, no pages for me.....When I went to pick her up she was playing in the room.....Of course she cried the minute she saw me.....but oh well. I talked to the Classroom Leaders and they said Lila finally did calm down outside and that she took a nap and read some books in the library and finally went and played in the classroom.....Hopefully next time she will be a little more use to it.....I may have to take her to the gym with me over the next month and see how she does at Kids Club.....She is such a Momma's actually drives me a bit insane!

After our MOPS we headed out to Chick-fil-A for lunch....another good time for the kiddos to play and burn off some energy....and socialize with other mommy's....Can I tell you how nice that is....I think the coffee nights and play dates are going to be so much fun for all.....

So Hurricane Ike had tromped on some of our weekend plans....we will no longer be going to the WSU v Baylor Football game....they have moved it to tomorrow night at 7.30pm, and with Shawn working and trying to get up there and back before the storms is just not a possibility.....Grandpa Harper is still coming in tomorrow, he just may have to stay and extra few days....I am sure he won't mind (Wink! Wink!)......We are looking forward to spending some QT with him......I know the girls can not stop talking about it!.......


Mary-Catherine said...

Aww man...I feel your pain. I remember the first time I left Isabella in the nursery at church! geezy petes it was dramatic. Your mommy group sounds neat...I wish I could find something like that around's so hard to find other moms that you "click" with, ya know?

5 Cougs said...

Jacob cries everytime I leave him too, but thankfully he stops about 1 minute after I leave. I am sure Lila will get use to it and hopefully enjoy going to play with the other kids!

Molly Hannan said...

That sounds like a great group to meet up with and meet some great people with kids the girl's age! I'm sorry Lila was screaming, that is so hard . . .but just know that the most attached kids are usually the most independent as adults . . .can you wait that long? Bummer about the game, but hope you have fun with Jerry!

Sarah said...

It was so nice to meet you this morning. I got paged too and had to leave early but look forward to play dates and hanging out!