Saturday, November 8, 2008

She is a climber.....

Ok, so just a brief post about my middle of the night craziness......So last night Lila woke up around 3am crying pretty loud.....So I go up to get her and I open the door and who is standing on the other side Lila, standing and crying and wanting Mommy.....I was in total shock.....I looked at her crib all the sides were up.....I looked at her no bumps or bruises.....Lets just say I was totally thrown off guard as neither of the twins ever tried to climb out of their crib.....Since I was sleeping I didn't hear a thump or her fall.....But after a Mommy hug and cuddle in my bed she seemed to be ok......I suppose her jump in height has helped her to climb a bit higher.....Just crazy.....I am still baffled....Oh well....

So today will be spent finishing up cleaning the house, laundry and yard work.....We are getting everything ready for the Coffer's arrival tomorrow....We are looking forward to their visit and are super excited to have them here for the week!!! Well I better go make some B-Fast and get moving!

1 comment:

Erin said...

scary!! jade did the same thing before she was even 1!!! have fun with your friends this cool to have them come visit! thing my doc did tell me when i took jade into the doc to have her checked out...was not to put her back in the crib, because she will do it we had her in a playpen until she was ready for her big girl bed....just a thought.