Saturday, November 29, 2008

So Tired.....

Man after a quick trip to Costco and Wal-Mart this morning we spend most of the day outside....and I mean most of the we put up the lights on the house and man when you do it right (with clips) it sure does take a long time. I am pretty sure that Shawn was on the roof for 5-6 hours or so.....But it is so worth it. Our house looks great, it has 15 strands of LED White lights (25 bulbs to a strand) we have them going from the back of the house down the side around the front and part way down that side....Then we decided since you can see the back roof line when you come into the neighborhood we also put them along the back of the all but one looks pretty most of our neighbors have put theirs up too....I love Christmastime......While we were putting up the lights Lila napped (for a part of it) and the twins played with the neighbors.....I simply LOVE our neighbors....they our little corner of the 'hood totally rocks!.....Heather even took the girls on a bike ride around the 'hood with her kids.....So awesome and Carlos came and helped out a bit with the lower lights when he was taking a break from their lights.....Carlos and Heather's house looks so great too....they have so many cool light structures in their lawn.....Anyway here are some pics of our house....and the tree.....oh and few of Lila climbing the ladder....I swear she would have climbed onto the house if I let her.....
Christmas Lights 08


Molly Hannan said...

Love the Christmas decorations! Erich is being a scrooge this year and making us wait another week . . .oh well. Sound like a lot of fun around your neighborhood. Oh and your house looks great!

Erin said...

looks great and so perfect! how fun...i need to get my stuff out...that's if i can find it in our mess of a garage!!