Thursday, April 26, 2007

Napping Shenanigans......

So here it is 9.09pm and I am finally getting a chance to sit down and talk about today...Normally at this time I would be watching my favorite show...Grey's Anatomy...but not tonight (its being recorded on my DVR)......the reason I am not watching it is because Shawn is playing video games with Joe on the HDTV while I tend to hungry, can't get comfortable Lila....I could easily go upstairs and watch Grey's but its just not the same viewing experience....I seriously didn't realize what an HD snob I have become....

On to today....For the most part it was a good one...Morning was great..pretty much stuck to the same routine...then lunch...the girls wanted Cottage Cheese and Peaches....I swear they could eat cottage cheese by the truck loads....that and yogurt....So then its nap time....both girls seemed pretty I am thinking they will get a good one in....I put them down around 12.15ish...(My goal is anywhere between 11am-1pm).....all is good for about 40min...they are quietly reading their books...until I hear them arguing....but this time I hear books being thrown and hitting the oh man....I gave them 10 min of arguing and went up and told them to lay down and rest and to stop throwing books..."Ok Mommy!" is what they tell me....15 min later I hear banging, jumping and them kicking their Fish Toy that is hanging in their crib (Both girls still love their Fisher Price Fish)...So I go up their tell them if they keep kicking their fish I will take them out of their cribs....I get two nonchalant "Ok Mommy".....I finally lay down on the couch with Lila...and just as I am falling asleep...I hear them kicking their fish again...I grab a screw driver...go upstairs and start taking down Mikiah's fish....She gets upset "No Mommy...No"....So I ask her if she is going to kick them again...."No Mommy".....She lays down and asks me to put her blankets on....I go to take Kiara's fish down and I get the same response out of her "No Mommy, Nooooo, want Fish"......I put her blankets on, go back downstairs and finally....silence...Lila and I steal a 30 min nap!!....

After nap...I have the girls help me cook dinner in the kitchen....on the menu tonight a Chicken Divan Casserole, I know not very exciting....but I usually have everything for it and its easy.....the girls were big helpers today and we had no messes....we did have a few Lila interruptions...but I think she just wants to be where we are some pics.....

Well.....its now 10.26 pm....(I had a bunch of interruptions trying to get this blog posted...)...I am off to feed Lila and go to bed....


Anonymous said...

Nice way to follow the pics of girls cooking just like their Momma, they will be great cooks.

Anonymous said...

I love the idea of the girls cooking with you. They seem to be having a great time helping. Way to stay on them during their nap. They need to learn you will do it. Bring the screw driver was plus. They know that tool will take it down...As for Lila. She just loves her MOMMY... Keep up the great job.