Thursday, May 31, 2007
Blessing in disguise....Not sure yet...
So today I took a page out of the Nana Anna book.....I tried to get everything done when I got home from work....Pumping, Bottles made for tomorrow, dishes, coffee made, and I even cleaned out the fridge (Thanks Molly, you reminded me I needed to do that) it felt good to get all this done...Of course I couldn't have done it all if Lila hadn't taken a good morning nap...So thanks to Lila too!....
With all my TV shows wrapped up for the season my DVR is looking pretty empty which has caused me to have a New Addiction....the Soap Net channel....Yup addicted in 1 day.....I Love the old episodes of 90210......I could watch them all day....I swear I am such a TV junkie.....
On to a more serious note.....this could be a blessing although right now I don't think that the reality has totally set in for Shawn and me....Tonight Shawn was let go from Zango.....his whole team was let go and some other employees.....hard times call for hard measures in the private sector....he leaves on a good note with good experience....It really steps up his job search in Austin and now possibly anywhere with good housing and salary......Hopefully his search will go well.....he has had a few bites in Austin so I will keep you all posted....Our lease is up in we should have a game plan soon.....I guess this just bumps everything up and causes us to be aggressive in the job hunt....In the meantime I will be talking to my boss to see if I can pick up some hours to help out with money at home....we shall see how that talk goes would be short term so who knows if they will let me.........
So I am ending with a video of Lila chatting....she is starting to make more noises....Enjoy!
Too much to do on a hot day....
It was definitely a little warm to stroll around the neighborhood for Little Lila today...I would have loved to have gone out...but, I think she would have roasted in the baby we just stayed inside and tried to keep cool.....and took a nap together during the girls nap time....I probably shouldn't have....I really should have been working on the rest of the house cleaning...oh well there is always tomorrow.....Lila has been making a little hard to get things done lately...she is so awake now....and she loves her momma....always wanting me to hold her and such....On a fun note...Lila has moved up in sizes...she seems/is so long......This is one chore I didn't mind doing today....Out with the 0-3 months, in with the 3-6 months.....I love folding and organizing all her new clothes, she has so many cute sundresses and rompers!....Ahhh...I could go on, but I will spare you.....
I sound totally grumpy today...I guess I because of the house being a mess......but one sweet thing happened today.....I was squealing at Lila and smiling at her....she of course smiles back now all the time...well after one of my squeals she finally squealed back at me....Shawn was home for lunch so he got to hear it sounds so cute...and she looks as though she is about to laugh......I just love all of her noises....she is such a happy baby....well most of the time!!......
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
On the road again...
Its so nice to be home....I love visiting and traveling....but I love being home...after finally getting all the girls down.....(It was a challenge tonight....Mikiah's fish are dead...we have to get some batteries tomorrow)......Shawn and I watched a movie, we probably should have been organizing and putting away clothes but I will save that for me to do tomorrow.....World Trade is what we was nice to see a different perspective on the tragedy....and it was a pretty good movie.......Late!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Memorial Monday.....
The weather this morning was pretty crappy......Raining and windy.....the girls and Nana Anna are showing signs of having colds...Lila included......with the wild weather we decided to stay indoors and play indoor games this morning....the girls were good this morning.....even blowing their noses on their own......After Nap, well I shouldn't even call it that....I think the girls were singing, laughing and talking the whole time they were laying down....anyway they had lunch and then they had Cookies n' Cream Z-BOPS™ (The Schwaan Man's version of Dipping Dots).....What a hit....They loved them.....I know I know...nothing better for sick kids then some ice cream....Oh are some pics of them enjoying it....
Shawn and Aimee spent most of the day out at their grandparents...visiting and spending time with them...we were all supposed to go but with all the colds being passed around the girls and I decided to stay at the Harper's....Which was good, the girls got some quality Grandpa time.....(Nana wasn't feeling well and was napping)....Kiara was pretty funny today.....We really have to watch what we say around the girls now....more then ever.....I was talking to Grandpa about DB "Having a Hair up her Butt"....the next thing we know....Kiara is talking to DB...."DB you hair up you Butt?"....over and over...I think she was half expecting DB to answer the question.....Grandpa and I were laughing so they don't miss anything.....The girls had fun this afternoon playing in the Princess Castle (Again Thanks Karey for bringing this over!) with Grandpa...who got some good pics....
Monday, May 28, 2007
Love my Lazy Sunday's.....
There was lots of action at the Harper House Pullman this morning....all about breakfast.....The girls were so excited to have pancakes that they hung out in the kitchen to help Nana make them....They just love helping in the kitchen.....Nana let them add ingredients....they were so proud of the pancake batter they made....and of course while they were helping with pancake batter Grandpa Harper was making Bacon....Now, my girls just love bacon....its new....they both use to like it, Kiara more then Mikiah...but now they both love it....I think they ate more bacon sitting on the counter as it was all getting cooked then I ate total....sneaking pieces off of grandpa's done bacon plate....Too cute....When all of breakfast was finally ready.....we sat down to eat....The girls continued to chow down on the bacon....asking for pieces every few minutes...but they can pack away the pancakes too and they did....I have never seen them eat so many...(could be they didnt eat much dinner last night)....but geesh I think they both ate more then I did.....and let me tell you....they both had syrup from ear to ear.....So funny....Kiara ate the middle out of one of her pancakes and said "Look Mommy now I have a doughnut!"....of course we all laughed.....Now I am thinking we must eat way to many doughnuts at our house....No more Krispy Kreme for the rest of the spring.....and summer!!! (Mean Momma has stepped in!!)
After breakfast it was time for an all girls bath.....Mainly to get off all that sticky-ness....The girls love bath time....well today I surprised them.....Lila needed a bath I washed her in the tub too....they girls were thrilled...."Look Lila in bath with MEEEE!" is a pic of all of them....enjoying a soak...I think you can see the excitement in Kiara's face.....
This afternoon we weren't up to much....a whole lot of napping.....the girls played outside a bunch, in between the rain and's weather was totally wacky....real sunny and hot but when the wind came it was cold wind.....I guess it was nice to get cooled off right when you were getting hot.....During the rainy time we played's favorite was Dress Up....As you know the girls love to wear my shoes...and I have been meaning to make a dress up bag with old clothes and shoes...well today Nana helped me get started....she got out a bunch of purses, shoes, and clothes for the girls to dress up in....They loved it....and pranced all around the house in Nana's clothes, shoes and of course purses.....My girls love a good purse.....(Hmmm I wonder who they take after) is a pic of Kiara dressed up and wanting to go outside to see Grandpa....I love the double purse and huge shoes....
After nap....Yes, the girls are still able to stay on their schedule here....SO happy about that...I know there will come a day when they won't need to nap anymore.....soaking it up while I can......anyway when they woke up it was sunny out...and of course they were headed straight outside....They love it....and I love I can not wait to have a yard.....UGH! is all I can think about when thinking about going home to no yard.......So today Grandpa Harper has his own little shadow....Kiara was at his side most of the afternoon...If Grandpa when to check on the BBQ Turkey, Kiara when to check on it....If Grandpa when to pick up dog poop, Kiara when to help.....If Grandpa went to sit down, Kiara went and sat with him....It was so adorable....Kiara really had a good day with Grandpa....she just adores him....So cute to see....She was Grandpa's helper all day.....Speaking of Grandpa.....he made the best BBQ-ed Turkey today.....the rub he used was his best yet...(Well in my opinion).....So tasty....wish you were all here to eat it....Well no I don't cause then there wouldn't be any leftovers for me for tomorrow.....oh and guess what.....we ate dinner at food confusion for me tonight....
So right now as I type this....I am feeling guilty about the bowl of ice cream I just ate....My favorite flavor....Mudslide by Tillamook....Why did Nana have to mention she had some....I Love it but I soooo didn't need the extra calories tonight....I guess I will have to hop on the Harper's Precor Elliptical machine tomorrow........Man I wish we could afford one of those...and wish we also had the room for one......I just love them.....Oh well its getting late....I need to go feed Lila her last feeding of the night.....
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Family BBQ Saturday.....
Today was a great day.....except for DB who keeps picking fights with Aimee's dog Zoe....and Zoe is such a great mellow submissive dog....Not sure what hair is up DBs ass today....but there is something going there....Anyway all in all its been a good day....I got to have a glass of Sangria (My Recipe, Kari you know the one).....LOVE IT....I could have drank the whole Gallon....but nope I am a good mommy and only had one small glass....I just forgot how good it Yummy!.....Its nice right now to be sitting all along in the Harper's living room....I guess I have been needing just a little bit of me time....I feel as though Lila has been attached to me all day....even though she really hasn't......I also am deciding if I need to eat a snack...I love BBQs and stuff but I have a hard time eating dinner at 3.oopm....dessert around 4.30pm.....and then not eating for the rest of the totally messes up my now its a bit too late to eat...but I am a bit hungry.....oh well, guess I will just slam some water and try not to think about food....hmmmm, I don't think I can do that.....I think food thoughts occupy about 75% of my brain....ughhh, oh well enough about food........I am going to end tonight's blog with my favorite pic of the day.....
Kiara Bear...."Seriously its just Juice Mommy"
*****It was just a plastic beer cup *****
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Girls Day Friday......
After coffee and breakfast....It was hair appt time.....Fonda did another great job at cutting off all the crap and layering around my was good to see her and catch up....Nanna Anna and Sindy also had hair appts....we pretty much had an hour and 1/2 block of Fonda's time....Anyway it was a good time.....and my hair thanks has the weight lifted off now....
This afternoon was girls time........Anna, Sindy, Karey, Aimee and Anna's Mom Mary (We call her Gram) piled into the Suburban and off The Old Post Office Wine Bar we went.....I can remember when I first moved to Pullman......The Old PO was a movie theater....where you could go to watch second run was pretty cool and small....funny how things change....and I love a good wine bar.....anyway my lunch was good OPO Classic Panini....So good Mozzarella, Tomato, Basil, Olives, Salami and Vinaigrette....Loved it....and it came with a salad....and of course I ate all of it...after lunch we did a bit a shopping in downtown Pullman....So many new cute shops....I saw so much cute baby stuff....but man I didnt get anything.....but it was still fun to see a bunch of new cute shops.....and boy was the weather just gorgeous.....So Sunny....and warm....
Then it was off to our Pedicure Appts.....we went to a pretty cute little place in Moscow, ID called Essence......My new toe color of the moment 'Don't Wine... Yukon Do it!'.....this is my new motto for the weekend!......I just love picking out nail color.....the names are so great.....(Michelle wish you were there to help go through all the names!)......Anyway, they were able to do four of us at a time....all on this big long pretty comfortable leather was pretty cool.....and a ton of fun....we were the last appts of the day so of course we brought our own beverages......a cooler filled with a couple bottles of white wine....both a little sweet for me but the 2nd Bottle we had (I only had tastes of both since I was driving) was good...a German Dry Riesling....Yum on a hot day.....So I am in love with my toes now....I just love getting pampered.....
The girls had a good day too....with Dad and Grandpa....I got to hear a little bit about it from the girls when I got home.....Dad and Grandpa put a Horse Tire Swing on a tree it the back yard...its pretty cool and I can't wait to see the girls on it tomorrow...I will take some pics too!!!....Such a good day all the way around...
Friday, May 25, 2007
And we are off....and made it....
So we made it here....Love Pullman....we were greeted with a yummy Asian Salad dinner and Sloppy Joes....So good....The girls were excited to see Nanna Anna and Grandpa.....and DB was thrilled to be able to run around a fenced yard with other dogs.....Mikiah was so excited to be here that she didnt want to go to bed......and had a "Lovely" meltdown......WOW, is all I can say.....I haven't seen Shawn and me so stressed at the same time in a long time....usually its just one or the other.....oh well Mikiah finally went to bed......and we all were able to relax.....Shawn with a few drinks and me with a piece of Chocolate cake.....Yup...I gotta have my Chocolate!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Packing overload...
So this morning was pretty frustrating....frustration brought on by myself....another example of me trying to get stuff done when I probably should just wait till a better time....UGH!.....(I was taking advantage of a napping Lila).....So I was sitting here on the couch trying to get the outfits and clothes pack for all 3 girls and Kiara was just being a total poop.....I would have outfits arranged and stacked on the couch....and as I was folding more clothes to take, she would knock the pile off the couch....of course unfolding the whole stack...this continued till about the third stack.....when I practically lost it.....gave up and put all the clothes on the table....I was finally able to get their clothes all packed during the twins nap time...Lila observing and bouncing along in her seat.....she has decided she doesn't want to nap during the girls nap time unless she is laying with me.....gonna have to get that figured out....Nap time is my time to get stuff done!.....
So I think I have everything pretty much ready.....I am sure I will be forgetting something....I was able to get Kiara and Mikiah fed and bathed before Dad got home from work tonight and he got home at a good time, 6.15pm.....It was nice to have that done so we could pick up the toys and get the house all cleaned for when we get home from Pullman....Nothing worse then coming home to a messy house.....So we are done...and its nice to sit here and enjoy a peacefully quiet and clean house......I think I just spoke too soon....Lila is starting to cry.....she sure loves her momma......
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
'Jelly Sandwich Mommy'......
So over the weekend Kiara finally figure out how to say Mikiah....She has been calling her MJ for a long time and now all of a sudden she has started to call Mikiah by her is so funny......she has been yelling it all day long....'MIIIKIIIAAHHHH'.......'MIIIIKIIIIAAAHHHHH'....and let me tell you she totally yells it, no inside voices here.....Kiara wants Mikiah to do everything with her....trying to get her to hold hands, dance with her, play with her, cook with her and eat with her....Kiara also isn't shy to tell Mikiah when she is doing something she shouldn't.......she can be a bit overbearing but Mikiah does a good job of just saying no......and pushing her away....she can't be bossed around....
Today, besides yelling "Mikiah" all day.....Kiara made her own sandwich.....I gave her a choice between Turkey/Cheese Sandwich or Jelly Sandwich....(I still haven't let the girls try Peanut Butter...I know, I know most kids have had it by now...the Dr said 3 years old, but who knows I may let them try it soon).....Well Kiara picked I was able to get a shot of her fixing her lunch....she made Mikiah's sandwich too....since they split it.....
I finally have some quiet time....all the girls are sleeping....including the dog (who is snoring loudly!).....I am eating a small piece of Texas Sheet Cake (Thanks Michelle, love this recipe!) I am eating it I am realizing that I'm still addicted to is worse then ever....M&M's, candy bars, ice cream, chocolate milk, brownies, cake......I thought it would go away after having Lila....NOPE...I still want to eat some form of chocolate everyday.....this little habit of mine is not going to help me lose my baby weight....I am trying to have will power but I just have to have a little guess this means I need to work out more.....ugh!!!....RUN MORE KAELEE!
Well Lila is awake...and ready to eat.....I better go feed her......Here are some other pics from today.....Enjoy!
Monday, May 21, 2007
The boys are back in town...
Sunday morning went like most mornings.....Coffee, Breakfast and Barney....Yesterday was Kiara's day to be 'Miss Bossy'....Apparently in her mind grown ups are not allowed to sing along with Barney.....Grandma Paula was singing along.....which is pretty easy to do as the songs are totally catchy and easily get stuck in your head..(I have been singing "Flying in an Airplane looking out the Window....FOR DAYS! Someone help me!)....anyway back to Barney yesterday morning...Grandma was singing along and Kiara must not have liked it...she blurted out "Grandma Paula, DON'T do that again...NOOO Grandma No singing!!"......I couldn't believe it....How rude is all I could think....and man she was serious.....It was pretty funny...she would continue to get mad the more Grandma Paula would sing....I think Kiara will always be my 'Bossy' one....must be that she is 2 minutes older....I didn't realize the difference 2 mins would make.....
So I picked up the boys yesterday morning from the airport...Shawn, Marcus and Joe....They were all pretty tired from the Wedding....but all said it was a great time...It was nice to visit with Marcus before Jill picked him up and they headed home....The rest of Sunday was filled with some shopping, errands, and house chores.....Its so nice to have my garbage man back!!!
The highlight of the evening....ABC's Table dancing.....So we have a trunk that we use as a coffee table in the living room.....well it has now become the spot for table dancing by the girls....for about 20 min Kiara and Mikiah insisting on singing the ABC's over and over and dancing on the trunk at the same time...too cute...they pretty much have the ABC song down...but I have to sing along with them....and the dancing is just funny....I will have to get some video of it.....totally cracks Shawn and I up.....
Sunday, May 20, 2007
'Miss Bossy'.........
I was able to finally catch up on my TV Shows poor mom sitting through all of it...Thanks mom for being a good sport!......I watched the season finally of Greys Anatomy....Love it.....Cliffhanger endings are always good....Love that we don't know who is coming back......I also watched Wed episode of One Tree Hill....So glad that Lucas finally knows who killed his uncle Keith.....oh and I watched thur/fri Young and the Restless...Still can't believe Nick Newman died.....just I am typing this I realize I watched a ton of TV today....holy TV junkie.....I dont remember what my TV life was like before we got our DVR, I really don't think I could live with out it (Ok, I know I could but still).......
Costco was on my lists of things to do today.....I went by myself during the girls nap was nice......I went in with 3 items on my list (Coffee, Pull ups and Baby wipes).......and of course 10 extra items and $150 dollars later (I did donate some money to Children's Hospital)....I was on my way back home....Costco is a Love/Hate relationship for me.....I love it....but hate that I always spend so much money....I swear every item is $10 dollars....insane.....
So tonight we watched Charlotte's Web....such a cute movie.....The girls did a pretty good job sitting through it....they would get around and then come back sit down and watch more of it...Tonight was also bath night.....the girls wanted to be all clean for daddy tomorrow....I scrubbed Lila's cradle CRAP much better now.....I just love how the girls smell after clean....Oh and I got the girls to finally help clean their room.....they would rather do that then go to was pretty funny...."Lets keep cleaning Mommy".....
Now I am just sitting here....thinking I need to look up Shawn's flight tomorrow.....I am sure he would probably like a ride sure will be nice to have my garbage man back....I can not stand taking out the trash and the recyling...ugh.....I hate it.....and.....I am outta here.....
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Maaaanilllla Mommy!.......
When I finally got home....Kiara went from totally chilled out to running around the house and acting crazy.......I swear it was like going from 1st gear to 5th in 30 seconds.....She was a maniac....running all round, crawling all over the couch, chasing DB.....I had to ask Grandma Paula what happened to my calm and collective daughter.....Grandma didn't have a clue....She said the girls were good all day......Well except the pre nap coffee incident...So Grandma Paula fixed herself an Iced Vanilla Coffee today....she set it on the table...and ran to the bathroom....Well, when she got back it was half gone....When she asked what happened & where did it go (she thought maybe they spilled it)...Kiara said "Kiara do that"..."Maaannniillla Grandma, taste like Maaannniillla!"......So apparently both girls helped themselves to Grandma's Iced Coffee while she was not in the room....Little sneaky stinkers.....So new house rule....No Iced/Cold coffee in reach of small children (the girls already know not to touch hot coffee)....anyway it was funny enough for Kiara & Mikiah to tell me about it when I got home....So not only did I get Grandma's side of the story I also got the girls side...."We had Maaannniillla Mommy!"....."Grandma's Maaannniillla"...I love that they still can't say their V's......
I talked to Shawn tonight.....he is having a great time in Texas....I even told him that I realized how much of a help he is around the house.....this past week I have picked up his duties and man there are a bunch of them.....from taking out the garbage, to checking the mail, to getting the girls ready for bed, to keeping up with the honey you do a lot!!!...its appreciated!........
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Been busy over here....potty training anyone????
Grandma Paula has been helping out in the mornings while Shawn is gone....I really appreciate her being able to be here.....The girls just love her....She went to my brother's house yesterday to help out my sister in law who has been under the weather....anyway I told the girls she would be back later....they were like "Ok mommy".....but after nap they got up wanting to know where she was....I told them she was at Uncle Joe and Auntie Victoria's visiting and taking care of their cousin...and they again were like "Ok Mommy".....well about an hour later Kiara comes up to me and says "I miss Grandma Paula"....It was adorable....but of course made me feel like chop liver....apparently I am not as fun as Grandma Paula....she kept asking "When will Grandma Paula be here?"....Over and over...until Grandma came back....and boy were the girls excited....jumping and waving from the slider glass door....
We finished last night with a yummy dinner that I haven't made in years "Teriyaki Chicken Salad w/Poppy Seed Dressing"......I dont make it cause Shawn doesnt eat was it good....totally reminding me of high school and living with my mom....after dinner we took Grandma Paula's car over to Todd/Melissa's.....he drove it to work today and fixed it all up for her.....
Today Kiara decided she wanted to wear underwear and try the potty out.....I think its because I told her that her friend Natalie was almost done with Potty Training....and of course since Kiara wanted to potty train Mikiah wanted to as well......both girls did pretty well all morning....sitting on the potty and reading their potty books.....but right before nap Kiara just pees while she is standing right next to the potty.......we tried to get her to sit on it and she was like no way......oh well at least she was close to it.....they both wanted their pull ups back on for nap.....which I probably would have done anyway.....they both still continued to try to potty off and on throughout the day....So tomorrow I will be making a chart and will get some stickers....and of course M& reward just for sitting on the potty......fingers crossed that we wont have too many set backs......I mean I totally expect lots of accidents......but I am just ready for the girls to move forward with training....we shall see how it goes.....I think it helped that Natalie and Melissa came over today......and the girls were able to see Natalie's potty training in action.....We had a good visit w/Melissa and much fun....Its so great to see all the girls playing together.....Thanks for stopping by Melissa....The girls talked about you and Natalie after you left....all good things!
I just have to say I made a super yummy dinner tonight....Mini Penne Pasta w/Steak & Arugula....its basically a pasta salad with a homemade balsamic dressing, sliced steak, fresh herbs and Arugula....the recipe was good but of course I did alter it....I added Goat Cheese....Soooo good....I love cooking when Shawn is gone....for the simple fact that I can make what I want.....without having to worry about him liking it or I get to use lots of fresh veggies......and have salads for dinner....Well I better get to bed....I got 10 hours of work to put in tomorrow.....
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
And then it was just us girls....
Any way back to today....after dropping off the boys....I headed to do some grocery shopping.....Trader Joe's was first on my list.....and boy do they know how to get someone to buy something.....Today they had Hot Spinach and Artichoke Dip and Chips ready when I walked through the door.....and of course I had to try it....and then I had to buy both....gotta love impulse purchases....I finished my shopping at Fred Meyer......I just have to say I love grocery shopping....I know I am INSANE.....most people hate it....I could do it everyday.....for me its another short time away from the kids....and even when I have to bring them I still usually enjoy it......
The girls were pretty good today....Kiara became a pill when I wouldn't give her any of my Iced Mocha.....she thinks she is entitled to have everything you have.....we have been teaching her she doesn't always get what she wants.....but man she just didnt get that concept today.....we had some minor then major screaming.....oh well...what can you do....Lila was pretty quite most of the day.....recovering from her 1st round of immunizations....lately she has been munching on her fists.....she loves them.....She won't take a Binky, which is totally fine by me.....considering Kiara and MJ still use theirs from time to time in their crib.....I know they are too old but we have made an arrangement that they don't get to have them anymore when they move into big girl beds.....and they both agreed...we shall see how that goes when the time comes....Here are some pics of Lila and her fists....and her new love...her bouncy seat....She was not a big fan of the infant papasan or the swing so I was sure she would hate her bouncy seat too....I love it when she proves me wrong!.....
Lastly I want to wish Shawn luck this week with a few job interviews.....Honey, I know you will do great and we are so proud of you. Lots of love from your girls!.....Miss you!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mom's Day Monday....
After Lila's appt we went to where I grew up....My mom needed to run home for some stuff and a sewing we were off to Bremerton.....We had a good time....we went to Grandma Paula's house....the girls got to look for Betty (my mom's psycho cat)....had lunch....then we were off shopping....I haven't been to the mall at home in a long time....I try not to go as I hate running into people I know (I hate all the small fake talk like we were good friends or something).....anyway we only went to one store...JCPenny...we got Shawn a gift...a wheeled garment bag for his future traveling....they were having a huge it was too good to pass up.....after the mall it was off to Grandma Paula's work....Lila wasn't too pleased to be there....she was a bit on the fussy side....But you can't blame her since she did have 4 shots before she went.....anyway it was fun to see the people Grandma Paula works with ....Kiara and Mikiah were great....they love being showed off.....after that is was back to G-Paula's for a feeding and then off to her sewing class.....The girls and I watched the movie Cars in the Suburban while the sewing class was going on....(Grandma has a portable DVD) was nice...and totally bumped getting a DVD system in the Burb up to the top of my big purchase list....It was nice...the girls were so good....After sewing it was back to the Quah....we got home around was an all day event.....but a good time had by all.....
Monday, May 14, 2007
Happy Mom's Day Y'all!
This afternoon.....Mom, Kiara and Mikiah took naps while Shawn and I watched the movie The Good Shepherd it was a pretty good movie.....CIA movies tend to be a little on the slow side these days...but Shawn and I did enjoy it...After all the naps it was cupcake making time.....and then dinner....Shawn was a big help today especially with all the girls, the housework and making dinner.....I think I may have changed 1 poopy diaper today......He cooked mom and my steaks perfectly....Yum yum!....He copied a bunch of my cds on to my laptop & iTunes....getting me all ready for running!.....Thanks for all your help today honey!....He too had some helpers in the kitchen!....I just have to say that the girls are totally into cheesy smiles it cracks me up....They make it so hard to get a good pic.....oh well....
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Talk about a Zoo at the Zoo...
![]() |
The Zoo |
After the zoo it was off to McDonald's drive thru....It had been a long time since we had been there....The girls got Happy Meals....they were so hungry that they actually at all of their chicken nuggets..... They loved their toy this time...talking Shrek figures.....the talking Shrek says three things......anyway the girls just love it.....they have started yelling "I AM AN OGRE".....over and over....its pretty funny...and of course they had to take them to nap time......yet another toy in their crib, still trying to figure out how they have room to lay down....Well that's about all from here.....We stayed in most of the rest of the day....I think Grandma Paula and I went grocery shopping.....I made some dinner.....and now we just finished watching The was pretty good... Well its late and I am off to bed......
"Me Potty Mommy!"
Along with wanting to use the potty more.....Kiara has also decided to get herself dressed these days....she does really well putting on her pull up, pants and shirt.....socks pose to be problematic.....I must say I love having twins.....its so fun to see the differences in skills, wants and needs.....Mikiah has no interest in getting her clothes on herself....she would rather I get her dressed.....the girls are funny that way about a lot of things....just different....I guess it would be boring if they were at the same level all the time and thought the same about everything....
Oh so lastly for Friday......Mother's Day came early for me.....Grandma Paula, Kiara, Mikiah, Lila & DB gave me my Mother's Day gift early....A silver iPod Shuffle......I love it.....the coolest thing is its engraved with 'Mother's Day 2007' cool is that.....I just need to get it all set up and I am off running and training....So Excited....Thanks you guys...Love you bunches....
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Fenced Yard Envy......
We did go on our walk again today....It was so nice, and I had us go a little further so I could get a good leg work out....I think I would get a decent work out if DB didn't have to stop and potty eight times...and No, I am not exaggerating....she totally ruins my momentum....but I would feel like a horrible dog parent if I didn't take her on our walks.....I do know that I won't be taking her when I start running....which is this weekend....I know Mother's Day...I think its perfect....
So tonight was our last night eating spaghetti, it probably was one of my best batches...I make it the same way every time but it always comes out a little different....I must say the girls have been good sports, eating it over and over....usually Mikiah won't eat repeat meals.....lets just say she is not a big fan of leftovers....of course unless its blue box mac n cheese.....but you already know of her love for Mac n Cheese.......
I am off to finish watching TV....I love Grey's Anatomy.....and Ugly Betty is always good for a laugh.....
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Today was a relaxing day......I think all my lack of sleep is finally catching up with me...I have been so tired today.....So after the girls went down for their nap, I fed Lila and then her and I curled up on the couch for a nap.....boy I was tired and out in a matter of seconds...all of us took about a 2 hour did if feel good...except I woke up and was still tired.....shoot I am tired typing this.....The girls and I didn't do too much today.....after nap we did some coloring and then the girls wanted to snuggle with Lila and me on the couch and watch some cooking shows.....they love cooking and cooking shows....whenever we watch them they start pulling out the pots and pans and mimic the chefs on TV....its pretty cute to see....I am thinking it would be fun when they get a little older to take them to a mommy or daddy and me cooking lesson.....Here is a pic of the girls on the couch..........Kiara's new thing is CHEESY smiling....she is so funny....she likes to make it hard to get a good pic....
So Criminal Minds is almost over and then its off to bed for me.....hopefully I can get some good sleep tonight....Sorry to bore all today......
Holy two days in a row.......
The girls and I are on day number 2 with getting out of the house and walking...there were lots of people out and about in our neighborhood today......So I think I am crazy....because I always wonder what other people are thinking when they see me and the girls out walking.....I wonder if they are thinking.....look at that Nanny with 3 kids and the family dog.....I dont think I would want to be mistaken for the nanny, but it could easily happen in our neighborhood...or check out that lady: baby in carrier, 2 girls in double stroller, and dog on leash.....INSANE woman......anyway the walk was good.....another warm day....the girls took a snack today....Corn Cheese Puffs from Trader Joes....when we got back from the walk we parked the stroller in the garage....and the girls discovered their shopping carts again (Shawn had moved them from the living room).....So of course I had to bring them upstairs.....but I am really glad I did....both girls put on a pair of my heels and walked around the living room "Shopping".....for at least and was cute, they were trading items back and forth and they would call for each other to come over where they were......They have really started paying together....I love watching them interact.....
After dinner it was Dance Party USA here.....the girls and Shawn were dancing in the living room....Kiara and Mikiah love to dance.....they danced all the way until bedtime......which means....yup, they went right to talking before bed for them.... Here are some pics and two videos..
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Dance Party |
Well Shawn and I just got done watching Children of Men with Clive Owen...its was definitely a different movie...but good....and interesting....kind of movie that just in general gets you thinking about the future......Man its late....I need to head off to bed....
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
"I want Grape!!"....."Me tooooooo"
.....DB was also pretty good, although she did her usual 3 poops....she drives me is impossible for her to get it all out at once.....Anyway it felt sooooo good to get out in the sun....and get some exercise.....I was so sweaty when I got home.....two tank tops completely soak.....and all I did was walk.....must be pretty out of shape.....the plan moving forward is to go on our walks daily....hopefully that will help me get back into shape...
Since the girls were so good they were rewarded with Popsicles.....both girls were specific in their had to be grape.......the first one I opened was Grape....Yeah....the second one I opened was Cherry (the wrappers were opaque and I couldnt really see the colors).....So I tried to get Kiara to eat the cherry one....she was like "NOOOOpe, I want Grape..."....Luckly the third one I opened was we all sat at the table and ate our treat....more calories I don't need.....Oh are some pics....I learned that Kiara doesn't like it when they start to melt... She doesn't like it when her hands are you can see from the second pic....
Monday, May 7, 2007
Fragrance Festival Extravaganza ......
Around 1.15ish Mom, Ineze and I headed into Seattle......Our final destination was Nordstrom's Spring Fragrance Festival.....Mom had bought us tix awhile back....Who knew Nordstrom had a 5th floor with a huge banquet room....You know what else is on the 5th Floor.....Nordstrom Spa....didn't know that was up there either.....could be dangerous on my pocket book......We had such a good time....we entered the banquet room....and were immediately presented with drinks....Wine, Water or a Pink Lemonade drink in a Martini glass....We all took the Pink drink....Sooo yummy......Funny thing was my mom didn't know that there was alcohol in it until she finished it and went back to the drink bar for a water....She come back to Ineze and I (we already knew their was Vodka in the drinks) and say "Did you know those drinks had Pear Vodka in them".....Ineze and I look at each other and smile...Mom cracks me her to death....Still trying to figure out how should couldn't taste the the drinks were good....The event was so much fun with door prizes and so many 'Free gift with purchase'.....I ended up getting two wonderful fragrances....(I have a hard time since most give me a headache)......Lolita Lempicka and Besty Johnson......Yup the designer has a fragrance...actually what designer doesn't have a fragrance these days.....I love the scent of nice....So if any of you need help picking a fragrance and you are in the Seattle Nordstrom go to the fragrance counter and ask for Babette.....She is so awesome.....and totally helpful......the festival was so fun and it was really nice to spend it with my mom and aunt......Thanks you two.....As I am typing I still can't believe mom and the vodka....still makes me laugh....Love you mom....
Tonight has been great too.....I made a HUGE pot of spaghetti before I left for Nordstrom and it was soooo good simmered all day with Shawn keeping an eye on it.....thanks for that honey....I LOVE spaghetti, its one of my favorite foods to cook and eat.....see here I go again, should have been Italian.....we have so much we will be eating until its coming out our ears........guess I will be freezing some......anyway the girls must have drove Shawn a little nuts today....he had to get out of the house tonight for a brief walk with the dog.....boy do I know how he felt.....the girls drive me nuts regularly.......but now all are sleeping and I just got done watching the it....well I am off to bed.....
Saturday, May 5, 2007
$54.95...are you kidding me...
Speaking of interviews.....Shawn told me last night that he has 2 phone interviews with companies in Austin on Monday....He loves his job here in WA but the idea of being closer to his brother and the affordability of owning a home lures us to Austin....I mean home prices here are ridiculous....we could get a 3 bedroom 1200-1400sqft townhouse here for 450K compared to a brand new 4 bedroom 2800-3700k sqft home with a yard for 200K in Austin......So hopefully his phone interviews go well ......its nice to keep all our options open.....
So our morning was full of suit shopping and our afternoon was full of a bunch of nothing.....which was nice...We had the age old question of "What do you want for dinner"....finally decided on Homemade Meatball Subs.....I haven't made those in forever....except today I cheated....yup you heard me right....I went to Costco this while I was there I bought pre-made Meatballs....I know I know meatballs are pretty easy to make.......but lately I been a bit on the lazy side when it comes to cooking....I think I may be in a small rut....the only thing I can think of to cook these days is Italian food.....on that same note I also bought Italian Sausage Links at Costco too.....see I tell you I have Italian food on the brain....ugh.........and I am making a big pot of Spaghetti tomorrow.... maybe I should have been born into an Italian Family.....
So right now I am watching the end of the Mayweather vs. De la Hoya fight....Yeah we are one of the millions of people insane enough to pay $54.95 to watch two grown men duke it out in Vegas.....As you can see I am really into it....working on my blog and all....ahhh its over....Gecas came over to watch it.....Joe and Shawn are totally into the fight.....grown men crack me up....I mean its just a boxing fight....I do love looking at the crowd at the fight....I saw Leonardo DiCaprio, Toby McGuire, Jennifer Lopez (and her icky, slimy husband), and too many more to list......

In case you were wondering....all the girls had a good day....I know I didn't mention them much.....they loved spending their morning with Grandma Paula (Thanks again Mom!!!).......right now Lila is laying on me as I am typing and Kiara/Mikiah are off in dreamland....
More Wine Please!!!......
Today was my long work day...10 hours of fun filled work....but boy do I feel like a cow on these days....3 trips to the lactation room in 10 hours....Moo Moo.....ugh....I really wish we could bring infants under a certain age to work...I mean really all they do is eat, poop and sleep....with a little bit of cooing and crying thrown in the mix....Seriously, I wish I would wear Lila to work...I don't think too many people would you? Work was good.....went by super slow....My friend Michelle stopped in....we have worked together at Medtronic for 5 has been wonderful getting to know her.....She is heading back to New York on Sunday....I sure will miss her.....I wish her safe travels.....and can't wait to hear about her road trip.....
So tonight was Shawn's and my first date since Lila was born, we ate dinner at home with the girls, put them to bed at 8.00pm...and then headed out for the evening....We had such a good time...We finally went to Sip at the Wine Bar, its right in our neighborhood and its open until midnight......It was so nice to walk down and walk home....Really reminded me of the good times that Shawn and I had in Boston....We had a wonderful bottle of Oregon Pinot Noir....soooo goood....we split a cheese plate and a dessert.....Half Baked Chocolate Cake….....Everything about the place is wonderful....Food, Wine, Decor, Staff.....even the bathrooms with the shared hand washing.....Yup thats right you wash your hands with the men......not to mention the TV screens in the mirror at the hand washing station.....the footage is of the can totally people watch....pretty freaking cool.....Anyway we had a great time....and even better conversation........Lots of talk about job interviews and the possibility of us moving out of it was just nice to be out with Shawn and no kids.....a big thanks to Grandma Paula....we really appreciated all her help baby sitting today.....Its late.....I am planning on gettnig up and working out in the am, time to get by rear in gear!!!! later y'alls.....
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Addicted to Blogging....
On to today...we are going on 2 GREAT days in a row....the girls were so adorable this morning....I love coming home from work and being told "You look good mommy!"...."I like your shirt mommy!" melts my heart....the girls were almost too cute for words....I am amazed daily at the girls vocabulary....they pick up so much....and now they are talking in sentences.......all the time.....I don't think Kiara ever stops talking, well maybe when other people are here or when she is up to something she shouldn't be thing you know they will be talking in paragraphs!.....Love it...and love this age minus the Volcano Size Kiara Meltdowns...
Right now I am enjoying peace and quiet....I am listening to music (and MJ's snoring over the baby monitor, man she is loud!!!), and surfing the Internet.....the house is pretty clean, well clean enough....and I don't need to make dinner (leftovers tonight....I actually don't like leftover night, but I will eat them)....its nice to just relax.....I may attempt to get outside with the girls....The twins in the stroller, Lila in the ergo carrier, and DB on the leash.....that is if the weather holds may I am typing this I see dark nasty clouds coming.....bummer..
Grandma Paula will be here tonight....I love having the help and the girls love seeing their grandma........Grey's is on tonight too for 2 hours....I am DVR-ing nobody tell me what happens.....its my favorite show.........Well the girls are stirring....they took another good nap 2 hours 15 min....just when I think they are acting like they don't need one...they start napping good again....I guess it all catches up with them....Well Happy Thursday everybody.....
Oh....One more thing.....the girls got up from nap and insisted....and I mean insisted on changing and picking out their own clothes...."Little Miss Independents" its not hot out but Kiara had to wear a skirt with a blue shirt....she loves blue shirts....and Mikiah had to wear a skirt because Kiara was wearing a skirt....I swear the whole process took 30 min...."No Mommy Not that one"...."No Mommy"....over and here is what they picked....they definitely need to work on the matching part.....Too funny!....Kiara wouldn't even turn around for the camera.....I think she is sick of having a camera in her face....
Dishwasher for hire.....
And more from after nap....she is a dish washing machine!!!!....She even learned how to use the scrub brush .....I think the rates just went up from 1 cookie to 2 cookies....
The rest of our day was great.....we did lots of playing....Lila has been smiling a ton...and I tried to get some good video....these are not that good....but enjoy...oh and I am apologizing now for my annoying voice.....(Google Video is acting up so be sure to double click below, there are two videos in the folder)
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Lila Smile |
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
New Sheet Mommy......
I head downstairs to lay down too....Lila was already napping....I think I got a quick light nap in...maybe 15min......I could hear the girls the whole time.....I am starting to think they just play in their cribs the whole time.....and that maybe they are trying to give up nap time....So finally after listening to them I head upstairs....Mikiah is totally awake and ready to get out....she points to Kiara and tells me "Kiara is sleeping"....I thought this was strange since she was sitting up....So I grab Mikiah and walk closer to Kiara's crib....sure enough she is sleeping while sitting in the corner of her crib with a book open.....It was too cute....I ran down to get my camera and by the time I got back to her room she was looking around trying to figure out what happened....So I missed my photo opportunity....oh well....I am sure there will be more....
DB also knows what she wants....and today she really wanted to sit where Mikiah was was too funny.....she jumped up (almost on MJ)....then she backed into Mikiah....and sat down....I guess we should know by now that this is her part of the was soo comical....Mikiah was trying to make DB move....finally she gave up and started hugging DB......DB loves Mikiah, she is definitely DB's favorite, and yes you can actually are some pics...
The rest of the day was pretty much the norm.....Lila is on the needy side all of a sudden....speaking of.....I need to go....she is crying....
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Under the weather Monday....
I laid pretty low today....I am sure I let the girls get away with more then I should.....that is what usually happens when I am feeling crappy.....they got to watch a little more Barney....and eat snacks in the living room....and have the run of the I curled up on the couch.
I finally started to feel better this afternoon, my stomach is still a little sour....and after the girls "Non-Nap Time"....we were doing great....playing dress up with mommy's shoes and hats.....Lila on the other hand has been needy most of the day....wanting to sleep on me....I think she has a bit of a sour stomach too...she has been spitting up more then usual.....we will see how the rest of the night goes.....crap...she just spit up again, we are talking enough to soak me and the couch cushion.....sure hope she feels better now....
Heroes is on right do I love this show.....gonna watch the end....