Wednesday, May 2, 2007

New Sheet Mommy......

Ahhh back into the routine of the Harper was filled with 2 1/2 year olds' knowing what they want.....So nap time rolls around today.....the girls and I go upstairs...and we are sitting down to read Goodnight Moon (we read it before nap and bed).....when Mikiah tells me "New Sheet Mommy, new sheet"......Kiara follows with "Pee Pee mommy on sheet, need new one"....and of course I dont get them up in the morning so I have no idea if they peed or of course I smell both sheets...neither smell like I tell them that there is no pee on their sheets and that they smell clean....both of them get angry...."No Mommy, no, new sheet, new sheet!"....So finally I change both of their sheets.....knowing that I won't be able to lay them down in their cribs unless I change their sheets....which is sort of a pain because of how much stuff they both have in their cribs.....from toys, to stuffed animals, to books, to baby dolls, to many a matter of fact I am not sure how they have room to lay down in their cribs...they have that much stuff in them.....after I get done changing they are totally happy and ready to lay down....

I head downstairs to lay down too....Lila was already napping....I think I got a quick light nap in...maybe 15min......I could hear the girls the whole time.....I am starting to think they just play in their cribs the whole time.....and that maybe they are trying to give up nap time....So finally after listening to them I head upstairs....Mikiah is totally awake and ready to get out....she points to Kiara and tells me "Kiara is sleeping"....I thought this was strange since she was sitting up....So I grab Mikiah and walk closer to Kiara's crib....sure enough she is sleeping while sitting in the corner of her crib with a book open.....It was too cute....I ran down to get my camera and by the time I got back to her room she was looking around trying to figure out what happened....So I missed my photo opportunity....oh well....I am sure there will be more....

DB also knows what she wants....and today she really wanted to sit where Mikiah was was too funny.....she jumped up (almost on MJ)....then she backed into Mikiah....and sat down....I guess we should know by now that this is her part of the was soo comical....Mikiah was trying to make DB move....finally she gave up and started hugging DB......DB loves Mikiah, she is definitely DB's favorite, and yes you can actually are some pics...

The rest of the day was pretty much the norm.....Lila is on the needy side all of a sudden....speaking of.....I need to go....she is crying....


Anonymous said...

sounds like a wonderful day....L, N

Anonymous said...

speaking of just reminded me to change jade's...cute story - there must have been something up with those sheets!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures of MJ. She loves her DB. Those two want to be clean when they take a nap. Keep up the great blog... I love it. MOM